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A delegation from Dutch companies working in green fuel in the Suez Canal Economy


A delegation from Dutch companies working in green fuel in the Suez Canal Economy

General Authority for the Suez Canal Economic Zone, headed by Walid Gamal El-Din, Chairman, held a meeting at the authority’s headquarters in Ain Sokhna, with a delegation of companies and institutions working with green fuel in the Netherlands, headed by Mr. Han Veenstra, envoy of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs for hydrogen.

This is to learn about the economic zone’s steps regarding green fuel, its production, storage, and supplying ships with it. The economic zone aims to be the world's leading center for green fuels.

Mr. Walid Jamal El-Din explained that the economic zone possesses many capabilities and components that qualify it to achieve its ambitious strategy as a global center for green energy trading.

He explained that the region already has the first green fuel production project, which celebrated the export of the first green ammonia shipment to India only 10 months after its establishment in conjunction with the COP27 climate summit.

 He pointed out that the region has signed a number of memorandums of understanding, many of which have been transformed into framework agreements, with major alliances and international companies specialized in green energy industries.

 Technical studies are being conducted about it so that it can be transformed as soon as possible into projects on the ground that contribute to the global goal of reducing harmful carbon emissions.

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