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Shipping industry organizations are calling for international action to stop these attacks on ships after a commercial ship sank in the Red Sea


Tutor sinking after it was struck by a Houthi 

International shipping industry organizations expressed their anger and concern after the ship Tutor was reported to have sunk in the Red Sea after being attacked by the Houthis.

This is the second incident in which the Houthis, the Iranian-backed terrorist group, have sunk a commercial ship since they began their attacks on commercial ships last November.

The Tutor, a Greek-owned, Liberian-flagged bulk carrier, was initially rammed by a small unmanned vehicle on June 12 in the southern Red Sea, marking the first successful use of an unmanned surface vessel in Houthi attacks. The ship was later hit by an "unidentified aerial projectile."

The Tutor's sinking comes seven months after the Houthis seized the vehicle carrier Galaxy Leader and its 25 crew, who remain detained on board off Yemen. Since the ship was captured,

The Houthis have carried out numerous drone and missile attacks, posing a serious threat to sailors and global freedom of navigation.

In response to these attacks, various groups of shipping industry organizations issued a joint statement, expressing horror and calling for action. They described the attacks as direct violations of freedom of navigation. They also called for immediate action to stop these attacks and called on regional powers to ensure the safety of innocent sailors.

Signatories to the joint statement include the Asian Shipowners Associations (ASA), BIMCO, Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), European Community Shipowners Association (ECSA), INTERMANAGER and the International Association of Dry Bulk Shipowners (INTERCARGO),

 And the International Ports Association. Ports (IAPH), International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), International Federation of Shipmasters' Associations (IFSMA), International Maritime Employers' Council (IMEC), International Marine Pilots Association (IMPA), International Parcel Carriers Association (IPTA), Federation of National Brokers' Associations Ship Agents (FONASBA), and World Shipping Council (WSC).

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