Egypt: Exported 275 thousand tons of fresh vegetables, fruits, and other food products to about 177 countries within one week.


Egyptian food exports to world markets

media center of the National Food Safety Authority announced in its weekly report that the number of food consignments exported from Egypt to the world reached 5,550 consignments, about 275,000, to 1,800 exporting companies, ranging from 600 types of fresh vegetables, fruits, and various food products.

The report indicated that Egyptian potatoes are the list of exported vegetables with a total of 23 thousand tons, followed by fresh onions with a total of 20 thousand tons, then beans of all kinds with a total of 10 thousand tons, and the total number of types of exported vegetables reached 65 types with about 65 thousand tons.

The report said that Egyptian citrus fruits still topped the list of exported fruits during the last period, with a total of 45,000 tons, followed by fresh grapes, with a total of 30,000 tons, then strawberries, with a total of 13,000 tons. The total number of types of exported fruits reached 56 types, amounting to about 90,000 tons.

The markets of Saudi Arabia, the Netherlands, Sudan and England acquired the largest quantities of Egyptian exports during the last period out of a total of 177 importing countries.

Safaga Port came first in the number of food consignments exported through it with a total of 960 consignments, followed by Damietta Port with 843 consignments, then Alexandria Port with a total of 825 consignments.

The number of food consignments received reached 2,000 consignments, amounting to about 464 thousand tons, to 850 importing companies.

It included 170 varieties of wheat, raw sugar and soybeans from 78 countries.

Russia topped the list of the largest countries exporting to Egypt, followed by Ukraine, Brazil, Australia and America.

Alexandria Port came in first place in the number of food consignments received with a total of 555 consignments, followed by Cairo Airport Port, which ranked second with 392 consignments, then Damietta Port with a total of 284 consignments.

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