Alexandria Port is transformed into a transit trade station in Egypt after the operation of the Tahya Misr station

Alexandria Port is transformed into a transit trade station in Egypt after the operation of the Tahya Misr station

 Engineer Kamel Al-Wazir - Egyptian Minister of Transport stated that the result of the rates and performance indicators of the Tahya Misr multi-purpose station in Alexandria Port in its first year is the start of entering Alexandria Port as one of the transit stations in the future.

The transit percentage of the total turnover reached about 39%, and it is intended to make the station a major center for transit trade in the Middle East. Tahya Misr Station also ranked fourth in terms of productivity and second place in terms of safety in the station system that is managed by CMA CGM. At the level of Europe, Africa and the Middle East, which reaches 50 stations worldwide

The Minister of Transport said that a comprehensive plan is being implemented to develop all Egyptian ports to transform Egypt into a regional center for transport, logistics and transit trade, and that the Tahya Misr terminal, which was inaugurated by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi in June 2023, is now receiving large-sized ships for the first time in Alexandria Port.

The station also began receiving more than one general cargo ship at the same time on its southern berth.

These press statements by the Minister of Transport came on the occasion of the celebration of the Ministry of Transport, represented by the Egyptian Group for Multi-Purpose Terminals Company - the commercial arm of the Ministry of Transport in the field of establishing, managing and operating stations within Egyptian ports, the one-year anniversary of the opening and operation of the Tahya Misr Multi-Purpose Terminal in Alexandria Port on June 15, 2023.

The Minister of Transport indicated that the station has succeeded, after a full year since its opening, in contracting with 6 different international shipping lines, receiving more than 330 ships and handling about 410 thousand reward containers, while following all security, safety and occupational health procedures, and under the supervision of The station’s staff, in addition to receiving large ships for the first time in Alexandria Port, given the specifications and depths of the station,


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