German port workers call for a strike, and the port of Hamburg is at the forefront of the ports that the strike will affect

German port workers call for a strike

 German Port Workers Union called on seaport employees to organize a central strike day in Hamburg. The strike will affect the Port of Hamburg, the Port of Bremen, as well as Bremerhaven, Brake and Emden starting on June 17 at 5:00 a.m. local time and, depending on the location of the port, will last for approximately 24 or 48 hours. , until late evening on June 17 or 18.

The situation escalated as the employers, the Central Association of German Seaport Operators (ZDS), did not make a negotiable offer in the second round of negotiations on 6 June, the DFB reported.

ver.di calls for an increase in hourly wages of 3 euros ($3.21) from June 1, as well as a corresponding increase in shift allowances, including compensation for the lost increase in shift allowances in the 2022 collective agreement. With a collective agreement duration of 12 months .

Maersk reported that potential strikes would have widespread impacts on its network, with many planned flights being disrupted and delayed, especially on its services in Finland



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