Tomorrow is the launch of the Egyptian-European Investment Conference, with large European participation


Egyptian-European Investment Conference

The joint Egyptian-European Investment Conference will kick off tomorrow, in the honor of His Excellency Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, and Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, and with broad governmental participation from representatives of the Egyptian government, the European Union, multilateral institutions, and the private sector on both sides

The conference is scheduled to be opened by His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen, before the activities of the very important event begin over the course of June 29 and 30 under the title “Unleashing Egyptian Potential in a Rapidly Changing World.”

In the presence of a group of high-level government officials from Egypt and European Union countries, as well as representatives of development and multilateral partners, as well as a wide group of heads and officials of the most prominent Egyptian, European and international companies and representatives of Egyptian and European business organizations.

The activities of the first day of the conference include a session to present the economic reform measures implemented by the Egyptian government in order to create an attractive investment environment for the private sector, in the presence of a number of European commissioners, Egyptian ministers, and representatives of multilateral institutions and the private sector.

While a second discussion session will be devoted to strategic measures to transform Egypt into a center for the resettlement of foreign companies in Egypt.

The agenda for the first day also includes a discussion session on the importance of cooperation programs between Egypt, the International Monetary Fund and the European Union, and their role in supporting the private sector

As for the other sessions throughout the day, they will be devoted to presenting efforts to create the work environment in Egypt to be a manufacturing center. In this context, a topic will be allocated to talk about logistics services in Egypt and a space to discuss opportunities for manufacturing cars in Egypt, in addition to a sub-session that will address opportunities to enhance pharmaceutical industries.

The discussion sessions will continue during the first day to include talk about investment opportunities in the renewable energy sector in Egypt, hydrogen, and value-added chains in this field.

The conference is scheduled to witness the signing of a large number of memorandums of understanding for cooperation in various fields, including macroeconomic support, investment, renewable energy, green hydrogen, green ammonia, communications, information technology, support for increasing exports, and cooperation in the field of automobile manufacturing.


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