European study: Labor strikes in 5 German ports cost them losses of 6 billion dollars

German ports 

 A European study on the impact of expected labor strikes in German ports revealed that port worker strikes in five important German ports will cause trade losses worth $6 billion, according to the study prepared by the Russell Group

The European study prepared by Russell Group ALPS Marine noted that labor strikes affected goods such as cars and people carriers worth $399 million, good transport vehicles $129 million, and medicines $717 million

According to the study, the port of Bremerhaven is one of the busiest ports in the world for vehicles and people carriers, with about $67.32 billion (£52.71 billion) imported and exported every year

Port workers in Germany went on strike for 24 to 48 hours in five major German ports: Hamburg, Bremerhaven, Bremen, Braijk, and Emden.

The strike was called due to faltering negotiations between unions and employers.

Commenting on the figures, Suki Bassi, Managing Director of Russell Group, said: “Stalled negotiations between unions and employees ultimately lead to production lines stopping.

“This is an issue for the various parties involved in the negotiations to resolve, but when such events occur, the ripple effect touches many other links in the supply chain all the way from manufacturers to ports, logistics officials, and ultimately consumers and insurers


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